CBA collaborator Megan Smith wrote for the National Academy of Engineering about the role of fab labs in fostering talent to realize the national potential:
Congrats to Anna Waldman on being elected to the MIT Corporation; she's worked with international policymakers and grassroots innovators through the fab lab network:
CBA grad student Camron Blackburn presented her work on zeptojoule logic with asynchronous adiabatic quantum flux parametrons at the Applied Superconductivity Conference:
Grad student Alfonso Parra Rubio presented his work on folded modular metal structures at the International Meeting on Origami in
Science, Mathematics and Education:
For the Santa Fe Institute's magisterial collection of Foundational Papers in Complexity Science, Neil Gershenfeld wrote about Self-Reproducing Ideas (on von Neumann's Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata) and about Finding Hidden Meaning (on Packard et al.'s Geometry from a Time Series), and CBA visitor Scott Kirkpatrick's Solvable Model of a Spin-Glass was included as one of the seminal papers:
Congratulations to a team led by grad student Jack Forman for recognition by the Core77 Design Awards for liquid-crystal elastomer fibers for shape-shifting fabrics:
A team led by Patricia Stathatou extended work she started at CBA, showing how yeast encapsulated in hydrogels can quickly absorb lead as water flows through it:
This is an occasional newsletter on the activities of CBA and its partners; to be added or removed from this list, or to submit items, please contact